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I saw a rehearsal of SHOE CONFESSIONS last night directed by the super-creative Susan Sargeant. She’s also the founder of Wingspan Theatre Co. Her staging is so cool. Susan captures the rhythm of the play. While there is no music, I could feel the sassy, bluesy and deep soulful emotions that permeate the diverse stories.

The actresses Lorna Woodford, Lulu Ward, Sheila Rose, Whitney Holotik, Candy Williams, and Laura Yancey immersed themselves walking in other people’s shoes. I often felt that the stories were their own. And let me tell you, some of the shoes they were walking in are awesome. I wish they had been my size.

The red, blackIMG_6206 and white set broadcasts the message that ultimately fashion is our own self-expression.

Susan founded Wingspan Theatre to encourage women playwrights. I thank her and her partner/husband Lowell for their generous help. Susan knows that we all need support every step of the way, and she has given me and SHOE CONFESSIONS a chance to soar. In the end it is not just about fashion, I know that we are a Great Fit.

Visit for tickets and details.




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