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SHOE CONFESSIONS First Performance

I was so excited and nervous last night. Susan Sargeant, Wingspan’s Theatre Director told me to just breath. BrIMG_4362
eathing is good, but wearing red cowboy boots is better. The Bath House was packed and I was thrilled. But it is one thing playing to a full house and another for them to like your work.  Talented Dallas Actresses  made the words sing. The laughter began right away and the sighs of recognition eased my anxiety. The reading helped me see where to cut stories, where to add, where to shape it.  It is not a one size fits all, but it is clear that these personal stories resonated to many.  I feel that every project under SOLE SISTERS may be a first step for me, but it is a project that keeps growing because women want to collaborate and add their voices.

Well, tonight is another  night.Another audience. The same wonderful actresses and director and I think I will wear my red shoes again….just for luck.




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