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Sole Sisters and 34 Minutes Shoes

I just connected with Dr. Michele Colon in LA.  She is a podiatrist who cares about women’s feet.  Before you slip on those 6 inch heels, you should take care of your feet.  Foot care is more than getting a pedicure once a month so you can wiggle your sexy toes in those bright fun colors. On her mission she founded 34 Minutes Shoes, sexy stilettos that keep comfort and health in mind.

As a woman who prided herself in strutting around in high heels until my hip replacement in November, I miss my sexy black Angeleigh Anastasio stilettos. Oh, they are beautiful. I felt so beautiful in them.

But I am actually afraid that I will fall in them. And I can’t damage that expensive new hip.


So, I can’t wait to try on her shoes. If I can walk comfortably anyone can.  I love that fashion has taken a healthy turn and a woman is leading us to discover our footing.

Dr. Colon is on a mission and we at SOLE SISTERS join her on that mission. Women’s health starts at the foot. Each foot has 26 bones , 33 joints, 107 ligaments and 19 muscles and tendons . The foot pressure points are connected to the heart and brain.  And our feet need special care.

If there is a problem with your feet – there is a problem in another part of your body.  We can’t wait to learn from Dr. Colon. On her mission she has designed shoes that are constructed for women’s feet to look great while feeling comfortable.

Just like Michele says, we as women almost always fall for the old saying “beauty is pain”, but what’s the point of feeling beautiful if you can’t see your sexy shoes through the tears? We’re excited to welcome Dr. Colon into the Sole Sister Tribe and can’t wait to learn how to take care of our soles.





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