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Sole Sisters Shoes From Heaven

Last night my husband Allen premiered his film WAGING PEACE: The Peace Corps Experience to a sold-out crowd.  Over 300 people  enjoyed themselves at a very classy event at SMU.  I was literally running around, trying to make sure  everyone had their ticket and that small details were not overlooked.

It was in that frenzy  moment, my friend Gail Solomon stopped me and said, ” Maryln sent you a present.”  My world screeched to a halt.  My friend Maryln Schwartz passed away almost a year ago.  A best selling author and former Dallas Morning News columnist, Maryln was one of the most creative writers I knew. She loved to tell stories with delicious details about people’s lives.  And when the details weren’t hot enough, she just added some flavors from her spice cabinet.

photo2Maryln loved shoes, jewelry and clothes.  “A gift from  Maryln?” I repeated in shock.  Gail dug in her purse, pulled out a small package that she had found when packing up Maryln’s things.  She handed me a pair of saucy red beaded shoes and a  hot red crystal pair of red shoes.  They are shoe pins from heaven.

Although, if Maryln is in heaven, I hope there is a lot  of fun things going on.  When I wear her pins I will click my heels and know…..I am not in Kansas…..but am soaring  where my imagination takes me. And for my friend Maryln who passed away too young these shoes remind me to stop and savor life a bit more.  She always said she was going to be my Sole Sister—-and she wasn’t letting a small thing like death stop her.





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